Why the voice of your customer is as important as ever

These days, having a customer centric approach is critical to the success of many companies globally. 

It builds the foundation of how companies make decisions as they determine what is working well with their products, services, and internal processes. Aside from this, customer feedback also helps us:

  • Build relationships with customers as they feel heard and involved in decision making
  • Generate positive reviews and product advocacy from good feedback
  • Establish loyalty with existing customers
  • Improve from negative feedback

To truly be on top of this, getting honest feedback from your customers on a regular basis is critical in guiding your decisions. There are many ways to do this including face-to-face interviews, having it on your website, or simply sending your customers the questionnaire through email.

At GrabForBusiness, we run regular Voice of Customer surveys to do just this. A key challenge we faced in previous years was to get clients to spend time away from their busy schedules to complete the survey, which is a problem that many companies can relate to as well.

For the latest round of surveys, we wanted to try something new. Would clients be more willing to provide this feedback if they were incentivised to do so?

How we did it

To test this theory, we ran an A/B test on our base of clients. Half of them received an email stating that they would receive a token of appreciation in the form of GrabGifts vouchers upon completion, while the other 50% would not receive the incentive.

What were the results?

Across all countries, the group incentivized to complete the survey had significantly more responses. On average, the treatment group had 2x more responses with some countries seeing this figure jump up by 4x.

As companies continue to strive for competitive edges in their product and services, creating this feedback loop with their customers will be more important than ever.

If you’re looking to find ways to improve on how you run customer surveys with the right incentives, leave your contact details here and we’ll reach out.

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Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

COVID-19 has dealt an unprecedented blow to the tourism industry, affecting the livelihoods of millions of workers. One of them was Komsan, an assistant chef in a luxury hotel based in the Srinakarin area.

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