New delivery habits are here to stay


More than two years of restrictions have permanently changed how Singaporeans eat and shop, with 7 in 10 consumers surveyed say that deliveries are a permanent part of their lives today.

The Grab Food & Grocery Trends Report 2022 decodes the new behaviours and habits exhibited by consumers as they search, discover and shop within delivery apps.

Get the free report now for fresh insights and opportunities to inform your 2023 marketing strategies. A taste of what’s to come:

 Why delivery apps don’t just deliver, it aids discovery

Spotlight on top-Grab delivery trends in SEA and Singapore

Key insights into festive periods and seasonalities

Ready to dig in? Complete your profile to get the free report now.

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[Food] Trend Report

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Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

Komsan Chiyadis

GrabFood delivery-partner, Thailand

COVID-19 has dealt an unprecedented blow to the tourism industry, affecting the livelihoods of millions of workers. One of them was Komsan, an assistant chef in a luxury hotel based in the Srinakarin area.

As the number of tourists at the hotel plunged, he decided to sign up as a GrabFood delivery-partner to earn an alternative income. Soon after, the hotel ceased operations.

Komsan has viewed this change through an optimistic lens, calling it the perfect opportunity for him to embark on a fresh journey after his previous job. Aside from GrabFood deliveries, he now also picks up GrabExpress jobs. It can get tiring, having to shuttle between different locations, but Komsan finds it exciting. And mostly, he’s glad to get his income back on track.