A Loyalty Programme for Hirer-Partners
Exciting rewards to be redeemed

Groceries Vouchers

Grab Driver Credits & Vouchers

Movie Vouchers
GRNavigate Tiers
GRNavigate Tier will be updated on a monthly basis

You will receive a monthly statement of GRNavigate Tier and wheels earned.
Note: GRNavigate wheels are issued on a 5.5 months basis (i.e Mid January & Mid July)
Wheels issuance & GRNavigate Statement

GRNavigate tier & wheels are calculated on a monthly basis.
GRnavigate wheels are calculated on a monthly basis, based on your active agreement status as of the 1st day of each month.

When are wheels issued?
You will accumulate wheels every month and wheels will be issued every 5.5months, in the mid-January and mid-July*

Where can I see my wheels statement?
Your GRNavigate wheels statement will be sent to you via Grab Driver in-app message at the end of the 2nd week of each month with a monthly update on your tier status. You will also be able to redeem your wheels directly from the redemption form sent to you.

When will my wheels expire?
The wheels will be valid for redemption only within the 5.5 months from issuance and will expire by the last day of Jun (for wheels issued in mid-Jan) and last day of Dec (for wheels issued in mid-July). Any wheels left unredeemed will not be available once expired.

*Note: Bonus wheels are not calculated for tiers.
The issued bonus wheels will be added to the Total Wheels Redeemable in your Wheels Statement instead.
How it works?

Rent from GrabRentals
As long as you’re a GrabRentals hirer-partner*, you will get to auto-enroll onto this programme.

Earn wheels
Earn wheels based on factors such as Add-Ons, Contract Length, Rental Length and prompt payment of your daily rental.

Upgrade Your Tier
Advance to next tier for exclusive benefits & events

Get Rewarded
A wide selection of rewards for your wheels redemption
Redeeming wheels
for rewards
from our exclusive merchant partners

Car Fumigation Service
Eliminate all pest and bacterial for a smoother driving experience.
(NEA certified service provider)
$10 E-voucher Code
Purchase your favourite gourmet snack now!
(No minimum purchase required)

Cathay Cineplexes Digital Everyday Movie Voucher (worth $14.50)

Grab Fanny Pack
Includes Powerbank, Sunshade, Sports Snood and Sports Mask

GrabReward points
Grab Driver Credits
$1 for 200 wheels
Vouchers can be used at these participating outlets:
$10/$20 DFI Retail Group
$10/$20 Sheng Shiong Voucher

Hilltop Academy Muay Thai Gym E-voucher
E-voucher codes valid for one time Muay Thai trial
Grab Driver Credits
$1 for 200 wheels
GrabReward points
$10/$20 Sheng Shiong Voucher

Cathay Cineplexes Digital Everyday Movie Voucher (worth $14.50)
Redemption Period: 10 Jul – 8 Aug
Car Fumigation Service
Eliminate all pest and bacterial for a smoother driving experience.
(NEA certified service provider)
$10 E-voucher Code
Purchase your favourite gourmet snack now! (No minimum purchase required)
Cathay Cineplexes Digital Everyday Movie Voucher (worth $14.50)
Grab Fanny Pack
Includes Powerbank, Sunshade, Sports Snood and Sports Mask
GrabReward points
Grab Driver Credits
$1 for 200 wheels
Vouchers can be used at these participating outlets:
$10/$20 DFI Retail Group
$10/$20 Sheng Shiong Voucher
Hilltop Academy Muay Thai Gym E-voucher
E-voucher codes valid for one time Muay Thai trial
Grab Driver Credits
$1 for 200 wheels
GrabReward points
$20 Sheng Siong Voucher
Cathay Cineplexes Digital Everday Movie Voucher (worth $14.50)
GRNavigate NDP Lucky Draw Redemption

To celebrate Singapore’s 59th birthday, stand a chance to win $3,059 GRAB DRIVER CREDITS this August
Lucky draw chance bundle
💰 200 wheels = 1x lucky draw chance!
💰 1,900 wheels (Discounted 5% off) = 10 x lucky draw chances!
💰 3,200 wheels (Discounted 20% off)= 20 x lucky draw chances!
Redeem as many chances/bundles as you like to boost your probability of winning! 🥳
Grab Driver Credits
$1 for 200 wheels
GrabReward points
$20 Sheng Siong Voucher
Terms & Conditions Apply.
- Assuming that you have signed a 12-Month contract (800 wheels), 2 add-ons (0 wheels) with GrabRentals on 10 Feb 2023, with your new contract beginning on 20 Feb 2023.
- You will start earning 800 monthly wheels from Mar 2023 onwards, with the New Star Tier. (GRNavigate wheels are calculated on a monthly basis, based on your active agreement status as of the 1st day of each month.)
- Wheels will be issued to you every 6 months, in mid-Jan and mid-Jul.
- Assuming that you are currently on a 12-Month Contract (800 wheels), 2 Add-ons (0 wheels) with 3 Year Tenure (800 wheels) on 01 Jan 2023, you will be earning 1,600 monthly wheels, with a New Star Tier.
- However, you have decided to recontract on 20 Mar 2023 by signing a 24-Month contract (1,400 wheels), 3 add-ons (1,400 wheels) with 3 year tenure (800 wheels). Your new agreement starts on 27 Mar 2023. Thus from Apr 2023 onwards, you will earn 3,600 wheels monthly, putting you in the Rising Star tier.
(GRNavigate wheels are calculated on a monthly basis, based on your active agreement status as of the 1st day of each month.)
- Your tenure will restart if you do not sign a new contract with GrabRentals within 30 days.
Terms & Conditions
GrabRentals Loyalty Programme Terms and Conditions
Welcome to the GrabRentals Loyalty Programme (“GRNavigate”) administered by Grab Rentals Pte Ltd (“GrabRentals”). By participating in GRNavigate, you give your irrevocable acceptance of, and consent to, these Terms and Conditions.
GRNavigate is a value-added programme made available without extra charge to eligible hirer-partners. Neither GRNavigate nor any Wheels (as defined below), benefits, rewards or entitlements thereunder in any way constitute any part of the hirer’s vehicle rental agreement or rental arrangements set out under such vehicle rental agreement.
1) Membership Eligibility
1.1 GRNavigate is only applicable to hirer-partners who are renting a car from Grab Rentals Pte Ltd and who are not under any vehicle ownership scheme administered by Grab Rentals Pte Ltd.
1.2 GRNavigate members must be an active GrabRentals hirer-partner at the point of Wheels issuance and redemption, in order to validly receive such Wheels and for such redemption to be valid, respectively.
1.3 The GRNavigate membership is non-transferable and shall be for personal use of the hirer only.
1.4 You will be automatically disqualified from this programme and you will not be entitled to receive any Wheels (even if previously accrued) nor will you be entitled to redeem any Wheels (even if previously received), immediately upon occurrence of any of the following events:
- Your rental vehicle is returned to GrabRentals
- Your rental vehicle is repossessed/impounded due to any reason including but not limited to any of the following:
- Consistently missed rental payments
- Rental arrears
- Legal offence(s)
- You request for a temporary return of your rental vehicle due to any reason including but not limited to:
- Medical reasons
- Driver License suspension
- PDVL or TDVL suspension
- You are on long-term suspension or banned from driving on the Grab platform
1.5 Grab Rentals Pte Ltd reserves the sole and absolute right to disqualify any hirer-partner or reject any hirer-partner deemed ineligible for the programme (whether pursuant to these Terms & Conditions or where the hirer-partner has engaged in a conduct that Grab Rentals Pte Ltd considers inappropriate or unacceptable).
1.6 Fraud, abuse of redemptions or any dishonest activities related to GRNavigate may result in the forfeiture of accumulated Wheels and Rewards as well as demotion of your membership tier and cancellation of your membership in GRNavigate.
2) Membership Tiers; Earning Wheels and Accompanying Benefits
2.1 The GRNavigate loyalty programme offers 3 membership tiers (“GRN Tiers”) as follows: “New Star”, “Rising Star”, and “All Star”, with respective accompanying benefits as published by GrabRentals from time to time.
- New Star
- Qualification for New Star: < 3,600 monthly Wheels
- Benefits of New Star: membership rewards catalogue
- Rising Star
- Qualification for Rising Star: 3,600- 4,199 monthly Wheels with prompt payment
- Benefits of Rising Star: membership rewards catalogue, early access to events and workshop invitations, and priority booking of brand new cars
- All Star
- Qualification for All Star: => 4,200 monthly Wheels with prompt payment
- Benefits of All Star: membership rewards catalogue, early access to events and workshop invitations, priority booking of brand new cars, birthday gift, exclusive support channel, priority for earning priorities (i.e. car wrap ads, offline deliveries), priority queue at Grab@Tampines
2.2 Your GRN Tier will be determined from month to month. You may move between GRN Tiers from month to month, depending on the number of Wheels earned.
2.3 You will be notified of your GRN Tier (which shall be applicable throughout the month) by the 2nd week of that month.
2.4 You will be earning Wheels based on your active vehicle rental agreement status as of the 1st day of each month. In particular, the following components shall be taken into account to determine the number of Wheels earned:
- “Add-ons”: Purchase of any 3 rental agreement Add-ons as follows: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Vehicle Damage Protection (VDP), GRBeyond or Bundle&Save
- “Contract Length”: the minimum rental period as set out in the latest rental agreement you have signed or recontracted
- “Tenure”: how long you have been renting from GrabRentals (uninterrupted period of time, unless as otherwise allowed by GrabRentals)
2.5 If you are a new-to-GrabRentals hirer, you will only be eligible to start earning Wheels in the month following the start of your vehicle rental agreement with GrabRentals.
2.6 You will receive the applicable number of Wheels in mid-July (for Wheels earned within January to June) and in mid-January (for Wheels earned within July to December). Wheels will expire within 5.5 months of issuance. Wheels will expire on the last day of December (for Wheels issued in mid-July) and expire on the last day of June (for Wheels issued in mid-January).
2.7 GrabRentals may suspend the calculation and accrual of Wheels to rectify any errors in calculation or adjust the calculation as it reasonably deems fit without giving you prior notice or reason.
3) Redeeming Wheels
3.1. Under GRNavigate, eligible hirers may be issued rewards points (“Wheels”) which may be redeemed for certain rewards as may be made available by GrabRentals from time to time (“Rewards”).
3.2 Wheels are not redeemable for cash and they cannot be resold, exchanged, or transferred for value under any circumstances unless as otherwise allowed by GrabRentals. Wheels shall not be regarded, construed, or used as valuable or exchangeable instruments under any circumstances.
3.3 Grab Rentals Pte Ltd reserves the right to set off any outstanding amounts owing to Grab Rentals Pte Ltd against any Wheels due to you, at the following conversion rate: SGD$1 = 200 Wheels.
3.4 Grab Driver Credits redeemed will be credited into the Driver Cash Wallet. You are allowed to redeem up to a maximum of $50 Grab Driver Credits per week.
3.5 Rewards (which are not Grab Driver Credits) cannot be transferred to the Driver Cash Wallet or exchanged for cash.
4) Processing Wheels and Rewards
4.1 All Wheels redemption request(s) will be reviewed and processed individually within 14 working days. We will reach out to you regarding the status of your request, via an Inbox Message in your Grab Driver app, subject to your continuous rental with Grab Rentals Pte. Ltd. on the date of payout/issuance/collection/consumption/redemption of the Wheels, whichever applies.
4.2 Only completed redemption requests will be reviewed. If you have insufficient Wheels available for redemption of the requested Reward, the request will be rejected.
4.3 Only successful requestors will be contacted. If you do not hear from us within 14 working days from the time of your redemption request, you may assume that your request has been unsuccessful.
4.4 All successfully redeemed Rewards will or must be paid out/issued/collected/consumed within 7 working days from the date of approval by Grab Rentals Pte Ltd, unless otherwise communicated or permitted by Grab Rentals Pte Ltd. Any late collection/consumption may result in the forfeiture of Wheels, Rewards redeemed, or both.
4.5 For any redemption involving an external vendor, you consent and agree to allow Grab Rentals Pte Ltd to share your details with the vendor for the purpose of redemption. You also consent to the collection, use, processing, disclosure and retention of your personal data for the purpose of GRNavigate benefits, and in accordance with the Grab Privacy Notice (https://www.grab.com/sg/terms-policies/privacy-notice/).
4.6 Rewards issued or administered by third parties may be subject to additional terms and conditions as imposed by such third parties.
4.7 GrabRentals is not responsible for any accidental usage or cancellation of Wheels and/or Rewards, and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.
4.8 Grab Rentals Pte Ltd reserves the right to recover any cost associated with the redemption of Wheels in cases where terms and conditions are breached. In case of dispute, Grab Rentals Pte. Ltd. reserves the right to make the final decision.
4.9 Grab Rentals Pte Ltd reserves the right to claw back any Wheels that were issued to the hirer-partner should there be a failure to meet the programme’s requirements.
5) Changes, Termination and/or Removal from Programme
5.1 To the extent as permitted by applicable laws, GrabRentals reserves the right at any time to:
- vary, modify or amend the terms and conditions of GRNavigate (including adding or deleting any terms);
- terminate or modify GRNavigate;
- revoke, adjust and/or recalculate any Wheels awarded;
- change the Rewards or substitute any Reward with another of a similar value;
- change the conversion of Wheels
- change the number of Wheels that can be earned on spendings on qualifying transactions;
- modify the qualifications and eligibility for earning Wheels;
- modify the activities that earn Wheels;
- modify the methods used to calculate the number of Wheels to be awarded;
- withhold or cease the awarding of Wheels to you;
- modify the Wheels or other criteria for membership tier upgrades and renewals;
- change or withdraw any benefits related to a particular membership tier;
- change the duration taken for Wheels to expire;
- change the frequency of issuance of Wheels;
- change the expiry date of the Wheels;
- change the selection, value of any and all Rewards; and/or
- change the resetting of tenure,
without prior notice to you and at its sole and absolute discretion.
[Updated as of 06 Sep 2023]
Book your car with us now!
Rent your car from GrabRentals now! We’re the largest private-hire car rental fleet in Singapore. Whether you are interested in petrol, hybrid or electric cars, we have a wide-ranging vehicle fleet available for you.
For new hirer-partners, you may visit our website here to book your car online. Existing hirer-partners may recontract online here. If you would like to find out more or speak to our customer helpdesk, chat with us on our Facebook page.