Thank you for downloading Grab, the largest ride hailing network in Malaysia & South East Asia. In Malaysia, Grab is available in 25 cities:
- RM10 OFF 3 Grab rides in Malaysia where Grab is available.
- Valid for NEW Grab users only.
- Valid for Cash & GrabPay (Credit / Debit Card) payment method.
- Valid for first 3 consecutive rides only.
“Promo Code: NEWTOGRAB” Promotion (“the Campaign”) are organised by Grab (“the Organiser”) and are open to all Malaysian citizens, permanent residents residing in Malaysia and foreigners who are travelling or working in Malaysia. The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Campaign:
- All employees (both permanent and fixed term contract) of the Organiser and their immediate family members.
By taking part in this campaign, you have indicated that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. You also acknowledge and agree to be legally bound by the terms and conditions below and decisions of the Organiser without limitation or qualification. You further agree that all decisions of the Organiser shall be final and conclusive.
Campaign Duration:
The Campaign will run till 1 October 2017 (11.59pm) (“the Campaign Period”). The Organiser reserves the sole and absolute right to alter or end the Campaign at any time prior to the expiry of the Campaign Period without giving any prior notice and no compensation in cash or in kind shall be given.