University Business Case Competition
University Business Case Competition is a national competition that aims to help UMKM to Go Online and use the technology to expand their business. In this context, to help some UMKMs register and run their business through GrabMerchant App. Hence, it can help UMKM to increase their income and make them more independent, resilient, and sustainable especially during pandemic situations.
Participant Requirement

A college student from any University in Indonesia

A group of 3-6 person that represent Faculty, Community, or Organizations within same University
Program Requirement
Initiate a program that aims to help UMKMs to Go Online (through GrabMerchants App) in order to expand the market and increase their income, hence able to survive especially during pandemic. It also align with the national vision “Digital Energy of Asia”

- Initiate a program that aims to help UMKMs to Go Online (through GrabMerchants App) in order to expand the market and increase their income, hence able to survive especially during pandemic. It also align with the national vision “Digital Energy of Asia”
- The program consist 3 main stages theme: Empowering-Nurturing-Grow
- Empowering: Encourage some UMKM to expand their business and use technology to adapt to ‘new era’ for run the business
- Nurturing: Assist UMKM to be adaptable to technology-use and related to business management
- Grow: Increase an income and technology-perception to make it a sustainable business
- The program must be impactful at these indicators:
- Technology Use: Successfully adapt and able to use technology in daily basis for run a business, in this context successfully help to register a number of UMKMs as Mitra GrabMerchant
- Sustainability: UMKMs must have a transaction through the app. In other words, it’s successfully increase their income through
- The duration of program implementation is 3 months long
- Set a proposed key success metrics that consist a targets and goals every months align with the objectives of the program that you initiate

(21 Nov - 8 Dec)
Participants fill online form and sent the Proposal of Their Program

Evaluation Session
10 Dec 2021)
Participants present their proposal and get feedback and evaluation before run their program

Program Execution
(December 2021)
Participant run the program on their own for 3 months

Monthly Progress Update
(8 Jan & 8 Feb 2022)
Participants present their programs progress compared to proposed key success metrics at the end of the months (October and November)

Final Deck Presentation
(11 March 2022)
Participant present the deck that describe E2E process include Evaluations
- Participant register their team to Google Form ( and fill such an informations bellow:
- Name of the group
- Email and Phone number
- University
- Submit a Proposal of the Program with requirements as bellow:
- Proposal must be in PowerPoint format with Widescreen 16:9 size in English.
- PPTx file must be named after: UBC_Group Name
- The Proposal must be 15 slides max consisting of: Program Name, Background understanding, Objectives, Deliverables, Expected timeline, and Monthly Key Success Metrics.
- Upload UBC Poster to Insta Story with hashtag #UBCGrabMerchantID2021
- Participants that already submitted their proposal will be selected into the top 20. The announcement will sent to your email
- The selection process based on relevance and alignment with 3 stages theme: Empowering-Nurturing-Grow
- Top 20 Participant will be given feedback session through zoom for the preparation of pre-implementation of program with maximum for 30 minutes (15 mins presentation & 15 mins Q&A) with GrabMerchant Onboarding Leadership Team
- Participant will be selected to top 6 team and allow them to move to stage Program Execution by their own for 3 months.
- Participants will present the monthly progress and will be judged by Head of Onboarding Team of GrabMerchant Indonesia
- Participants will showing 1 month program’s progression compared with the proposed key success metrics.
- Participants will present the monthly progress and will be judged by Head of Onboarding Team of GrabMerchant Indonesia
- Participants will showing 2 month program’s progression compared with the proposed key success metrics that team deliver
- Participants will present the Final Deck that consists of the E2E Journey of the Program: Program Name, Background understanding, Objectives, Deliverables, Monthly Key Success Metrics, and Pain & Gain Point analysis. The presentation duration maximum for 30 minutes (15 mins presentation & 15 mins Q&A) with GrabMerchant Onboarding Leadership Team
- The final assessment will be based on the key success metrics aligned with these indicators: Technology Use and Sustainability as described above.
- The winner will be selected by most impactful program with real data in conversion rate measurement

Contact Person by Whatsapp only: Tiara (+628577-124-2972)