GrabPay Finds – Merchant Form

Be featured on the Grab app!

Be one of the merchants to be featured on GrabPay Finds! Simply accomplish and submit this form.

Currently, these are the marketing mileages we give to our partners:
1. Card in GrabPay Finds card on the Grab app feed
2. FB and IG posts (logo inclusion)
3. Webpage on Grab’s website (together with other GrabPay partners)
4. EDM (together with other GrabPay partners)
5. Omnibus in-app push notification + inbox message

You may learn more about these marketing channels here.

GrabPay Finds

  • Merchant / Brand name
  • Email address of contact person
  • Product / Business description
  • Promo offer
  • Link to landing page
  • Link to folder of high-res logo/s
  • Month you’d like to be featured in
  • Marketing offer
  • Which Marketing mileage/s can you offer?