GrabBike 6 hour rental package

1. Fees:

– 6 hour rental package: VND 290,000

– Use flexible pricing based on the location and the time of day when demand is high.

2. Surcharges may include:

a. Parking fee, ferry terminal fee, bus station entrance fee,…when you use the service (if any).

b. Additional hourly surcharge (when the rental package expires): 25,000 VND / 10 minutes.

c. Additional kilometer surcharge (when the maximum distance is reached but the rental package period has not ended): 6,000 VND/km

Note: The ride will terminate when time runs out or when it reaches the predetermined amount of kilometers, whichever comes first. When the ride is over, the driving partner will keep track of you and remind you to pay the premium.

✦ Principles of application:

– Duration of car reservations and maximum distance of rental-package trips:

One-hour renting period: the maximum distance is 50 kilometers
Note: The ride will terminate when time runs out or when it reaches the predetermined amount of kilometers, whichever comes first.

– Entering your final destination will make it easier for the Driver Partner to choose an efficient path. Choose the choice that best fits your route because the service allows for an unlimited number of stops and transit within the city.

– Because this is not a delivery service, the Driver Partner is free to decline to offer the service if no passenger is present.

– To safeguard your safety and the safety of your Driver Partner, please avoid bringing heavy objects or excessive luggage.

– If you decide to pay with cash, kindly give the Driver Partner cash when they arrive to pick you up.

✦Please pay 100% of the original trip fee if you decide to get off the rental vehicle before the end of the rental hours specified on the app.

✦Fuel and transportation service fees for Driver Partners are included in the fees.

✦Please wear a helmet while traveling; do not ask your driver partner to speed or break the law.

✦The final fee shown on the app includes surcharges to support the price of car insurance, the creation of safety features, Driver Partner training programs, and other running costs but excludes other levies (if any).