Grab The Gold Challenge 🧈

Time to turn your PayLater by Grab spending into rewards!
💰 Grab your chance to win a 5g Gold Bar!
Challenge Period: 1 October to 31 December 2024.
End the challenge as one of the top 10 spenders. 🗓️
💰Plus, earn a total of 3,000 GrabRewards points now!
All you have to do is complete the 3 milestones
each month to qualify 🛒 :

Participation in this Challenge requires:
Nov – Dec Challenge:
To qualify, participants must achieve a total spending of RM300 per month, consisting of each of the following milestones:Milestone 1:
1x PayLater by Grab transaction with a minimum spend of RM100, to earn 500 GrabRewards Points;
Milestone 2:
1x PayLater by Grab transaction with a minimum spend of RM100, to earn 500 GrabRewards Points;
Milestone 3:
1x PayLater by Grab transaction with a minimum value of RM100, to earn a final reward of 2,000 GrabRewards Points.Upon successful completion of all the milestones, participants will be rewarded with a total of 3,000 GrabRewards Points.
Total Challenge Period (1 Nov to 31 Dec 2024): The grand prize of a 5g Gold Bar will be awarded to the top 10 spenders cumulatively at the conclusion of the Challenge in 31 Dec 2024.
Challenge Terms & Conditions
- The Challenge is only valid from 1 Nov to 31 Dec 2024 (“Challenge Period”).
- For online transactions, the Challenge is NOT valid for these merchants, list is inclusive and not limited to: GrabGifts, FavePay, Carousell, FoneApp, Elinking, Pos Malaysia, ALL bill payments platforms and/or insurance payment platforms, ALL telco payment platforms, ALL government services payment platforms and etc. You will be notified of the non participating merchants before you make your purchase.
- There are 10,000 redemptions worth of 3,000 GrabRewards Points to be awarded on a first come first served basis at the end of the month.
- Grab shall not be under any obligation to inform users, on any communication channels once the prizes have been fully awarded.
- The 3,000 Grab Rewards Points will be a straightforward reward upon the completion of the eligible transactions.
- The Challenge will end at the end of the Challenge Period, or when the available prizes have been fully awarded, whichever earlier.
- The Challenge’s progress status can be viewed on the Grab app at any time during the Challenge period via the ‘CHALLENGES’ tile under Account.
- Grab reserves the right to cancel, terminate or suspend this Challenge with or without any prior notice. Grab reserves the right at its absolute discretion to amend, delete or add to any of these Challenge Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice.
- Grab’s decisions in any matter in relation to the Challenge shall be final and conclusive. Grab shall not be liable for any claims by participants or third-party claims or losses of any nature, including but not limited to, loss of profits, expectation loss, punitive, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages or for other damages and any related claims of any nature, including direct, indirect, third-party, consequential or other damages resulting from or in connection with this Challenge.
The Grand Prize Gold Bar for the challenge period between 1 Nov to 31 Dec 2024
- The 5g Gold Bar is not exchangeable for cash, credit, or other goods and services.
- The 5g Gold Bar is not valid with any other ongoing promotions, discounts, voucher programs, loyalty programs, or member privileges unless stated otherwise.
- Fraud, abuse of redemptions, or any dishonest activities related to the Challenge may result in the forfeiture of prize entitlement.
- The 5g Gold Bar will be awarded to the top 10 highest spenders at the end of the Challenge Period.
- Winners will receive a PCI notification. To claim their prize, winners must complete the Google Form provided with their details. Prizes will be delivered to the address submitted in the Google Form
- Grab shall not be liable to compensate or redeliver the prize to the Participant if the details are incorrectly submitted by the Participant.